Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Office 2010

Office 2010 is so sleek and imaginative. Not much seems to have changed on outer shell, but subtle changes (all in the right direction), signals towards a proper aesthetic integration with the new operating system – Windows 7.



Microsoft must have had clear and distant vision about its aero theme while constructing Vista. Instead of expanding its effects, with windows 7 we see an expansion of whole idea itself. It has been used to enhance the ‘cool’ factor. Instead of a spearhead marketing campaign it is now something that must be taken granted for. With windows 7 we will see it being utilized by all flagship Microsoft products. Interestingly it was not the case during Vista, when software like Outlook 2007 and Money Suite ditched the favour.

Brotherhood of Sorrow

You know what is the biggest problem in a man’s life? His knowledge (or lack of) where he stands in larger scheme of things! While a biologist will get off with a description of a creature so handsomely descended from a bunch of apes in wild savannah,  a learned  physicist will dismiss him just as a bunch of atoms, but frankly, what makes us? Perhaps those who could describe us best are ourselves…and our description of ourselves is not only non-elegant but also largely variable.

And then the large clock of this universe ticks so ominously in the background. Whatever came, passed away.  Even the rocks fade away through winds of time.


Some will see an inextinguishable sense of beauty in the thoughts, while others will drown in utter pessimism.  The fact is that we all together could not find a common expression for the inevitable truth of a mortal human. Death in animal kingdom is an everyday phenomenon. Life is consumed into other lives. There is no concept of soul or eyes to shed tears. Life was meant to perform at breakneck pace….a mechanism of universal order. No animal was interested in questioning the sense (or nonsense) behind it, why few survived and other not. Everything was hidden inside blueprints of evolution, a small map tucked inside deepest building blocks of  physical bodies.


Then a creature walked among them – standing tall, hanging his head high, using its fingers to hold, scanning the surface of tall African grasses, it was the time when earth stood on brink of a cosmic metamorphosis. Looking back, it would had been  something painfully slow – like a message bottle  floating across oceans. The change had begun. Yet humans found their irony in something animals learned to accept millennia back.


Tribes were formed to protect and care. Wounded were taken care of, dead were mourned, funerals were ritualized, villages were born. A single thought – “to be together” – guided us during times whose last marks have been dutifully eroded by time. Perhaps it was a time of true adventure, every mile had new challenges, horizons appeared closer as landscapes changed beyond every valley or slope.  This new feeling, was something around which humans have ever since weaved their concept of pure love and true brotherhood. And yet they could not conquer fate….when time came, it ate away the souls of their beloved.  Perhaps we are united because of a common grief…..we are, truly, the brotherhood of sorrow…


This generation has brought so many buzzwords with it. There are so many ways in which we all like to talk to each other that everyday something new comes up. But very few shape up to be the phenomenon that is “Twitter”. Yes guys, I am on twitter now… is my tweet link: vikram_sr

See you there!

Absence…or no absence

How do people find time to update blogs daily? What drives them to write on a public notebook? Do they have perfect jobs…..come home early, spend time with children, pets and computers…or maybe endless source of income so that writing business is all for pleasure.

See, with how much reluctance I posted the above paragraph? Words falling into each other, like a crumbling tower of a child’s alphabet blocks. There is so much worthwhile to be written….but where are the serious readers, the attentive audience, the thinking humans? We love that fact that we are now connected through a world wide web, we love to chat instantly, but where is the revolution which is promised with this communication blast? Are we overfed technology? How much sense we make lately? In fact how come this sudden explosion of ‘being in touch’ made our words smaller? Our sentences shorter? Lolz……

Aren’t we still frogs of the well, while the well got a whole lot bigger! Prisoners of stilted evolution….At a moment there are only few controlling the true power of this phenomenon. Evidently, these are the people who will decide our future.